What is Green Project and why is it a hot topic today? Due to recent awareness of increasing damages taking place on earth's environment, many agencies, | ||||||||||||||||||
private or government sponsored have been set up to monitor the worsening situations, | ||||||||||||||||||
to educate and promote many ideas to control and reduce the damages that are being done. | ||||||||||||||||||
Go green involves many aspects of conserving the resources, reducing the agents that cause damages, | ||||||||||||||||||
and even to protect the nature, environment, resources and etc. With this thought, anything, | ||||||||||||||||||
any ideas, projects, that helps to reduce energy resources such as fuel, water, and reduce | ||||||||||||||||||
the damaging effect on our environment such as water, air, soil are considered green projects. | ||||||||||||||||||
In line with this trend, many new regulations are being considered and put into effect already by many | ||||||||||||||||||
government sponsored agencies and many of its regulations and ideas are directly affecting | ||||||||||||||||||
janitorial cleaning aspects of it. | ||||||||||||||||||
We will discuss how it effects janitorial cleaning/maintenance area: | ||||||||||||||||||
What you need to know, why go green, what obstacles in going green, and what is the future | ||||||||||||||||||
with green cleaning concept, etc. | ||||||||||||||||||
As a janitorial cleaning contractor, janitor, operation director, supervisor, maintenance director/supervisor, | ||||||||||||||||||
you should be keenly interested and aware as to what is happening with the green | ||||||||||||||||||
cleaning movement and what options you have. | ||||||||||||||||||
As of today, green movement is in high gear so to speak. In few more years, if you are behind in the | ||||||||||||||||||
green cleaning concept, you will be left behind and it could even affect your business. | ||||||||||||||||||
Many new regulations from EPA (Envronmental Agency Of USA), and other sponsered | ||||||||||||||||||
agencies, or government regulations directly affects cleaning industries. | ||||||||||||||||||
Therefore, anyone or businesses who are in the janitorial maintenance business must be aware of | ||||||||||||||||||
what is happening and need to adjust their business aspect in conjunction with the green | ||||||||||||||||||
movement in the areas of green cleaning ideas, products, training, equipment, tools, and | ||||||||||||||||||
how the cleaning or maintenance is being done, etc. | ||||||||||||||||||
So, please read and educate yourself and your employees, concerning green cleaning | ||||||||||||||||||
concept. Start now, if you do not have any program/s put into this area of going green, | ||||||||||||||||||
and please consider doing it as soon as possible in the near future. | ||||||||||||||||||
Do not think it is still years away to affect your business with the green movement. | ||||||||||||||||||
It is sooner than you might think !! | ||||||||||||||||||
You can learn more about this green movement by visiting these websites and other websites by | ||||||||||||||||||
using search engine such as Google or Yahoo, etc. Just enter a word "green" or | ||||||||||||||||||
"green products", you will get a host of information about going green. | ||||||||||||||||||
Helpful websites: | ||||||||||||||||||
What is Green Seal? | ||||||||||||||||||
See more information on Green Seal Products, what it is. | ||||||||||||||||||
Click right: | Green Seal | |||||||||||||||||
Volatile Organic Compounds | ||||||||||||||||||
See more information on EPA | ||||||||||||||||||
Click right: | EPA | |||||||||||||||||
What is LEED? | ||||||||||||||||||
See more information on US | ||||||||||||||||||
Click right: | USGBC | |||||||||||||||||
What is noise polution? | ||||||||||||||||||
Learn more about it. | ||||||||||||||||||
Click right: | NPC | |||||||||||||||||
Green Purchasing/gov | ||||||||||||||||||
Learn more about it. | ||||||||||||||||||
Click right: | The Office of Federal Environmental Purchasing Green Janitorial Products. | |||||||||||||||||
Why go green? Ultimately, to reduce the damaging affects to our enviornment, to humans, animals, and all other living | ||||||||||||||||||
things. | ||||||||||||||||||
If all can contribute in this regard, we are helping to reduce the damages that are being done right | ||||||||||||||||||
now at this moment. | ||||||||||||||||||
Another reason is that is good for business. In the very near future, many businesses must comply with | ||||||||||||||||||
new regulations that will affect their way of doing business and how it is being done with the | ||||||||||||||||||
green laws. | ||||||||||||||||||
With this in mind, go first and be in front of the pack, instead of trying to catch up. | ||||||||||||||||||
Keep in mind that many large institutions, manufacturers, businesses are in sync with the | ||||||||||||||||||
new green movement and making adjustments in their business decisions. | ||||||||||||||||||
So, don't be left behind !! | ||||||||||||||||||
See page below "Total Green Cleaning" for ideas. These are only ideas and suggestions. | ||||||||||||||||||
There are many new products and ideas available with green cleaning ideas. | ||||||||||||||||||
Please take a look at the ideas, suggestions, and consider, if you would like to implement | ||||||||||||||||||
any of these ideas into your janitorial services that you provide. | ||||||||||||||||||
Green cleaning is a method of cleaning. Not only with cleaning solutions, but tools, equipment, | ||||||||||||||||||
how we do clean, and etc, can be modified to meet the green cleaning concept. | ||||||||||||||||||
It also involves recycling programs, waste management, VOC, noise pollution, | ||||||||||||||||||
harzadous waste, | indoor/outdoor air pollution and much more. | |||||||||||||||||
So, please take a look at it with an open mind and consider what you could do individually or as a company. | ||||||||||||||||||
As you might have already tried the idea of going green and found out that it is not an easy thing to do. | ||||||||||||||||||
difficult to implement. People are not used to the idea and do not want to | ||||||||||||||||||
change the way of doing things. | ||||||||||||||||||
It is true in some green products, that price is slightly higher than conventional cleaning | ||||||||||||||||||
solutions, due to being a new product and not being produced in great quantities. | ||||||||||||||||||
It is also might be the case with capabilities of the cleaning solutions that certain product/s | ||||||||||||||||||
might be little less stronger than conventional cleaning solutions. | ||||||||||||||||||
It is also true that people nomally do not want to change habbits. | ||||||||||||||||||
Note: Most of green cleaning solutions do not add fragrance in the solutions and | ||||||||||||||||||
this has caused some cleaners to refuse using green cleaning solutions. | ||||||||||||||||||
Many people are accustomed to using cleaning solutions with some fragrance and | ||||||||||||||||||
cleanness is somewhat subconsciously connected to some fragrance. | ||||||||||||||||||
This is more than a little obstacle to overcome, but with proper education and training, | ||||||||||||||||||
cleaning crew can be easily converted into using green cleaning solutions. | ||||||||||||||||||
Let them know how they personally benefit from using green solutions. | ||||||||||||||||||
However, considering the benefits that comes with going green this will more than compensate | ||||||||||||||||||
for all the obstacles one has to go through. | ||||||||||||||||||
We stock many green solutions in our show room, please come and visit us or call your sales rep for more information on going green !!! |