Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bloodborne Pathogens- Safety Check

Bloodborne Pathogens- Safety Check

Safety Check
Cleaning Service can be very hazardous for janitors.
Their duties include having to handle strong chemicals to using
electrical items, step ladders, lifting heavy objects.
Cleaners also come in contact with invisible germs, bacteria,
human blood/fluids. This is called Bio Hazard materials ( a
biological agent or condition that is a hazard to humans
or the environment).
You as Employers have the responsibility to ensure that your workers
are properly trained and follow the proper steps to always be
safety conscious minded.
MSDA Information Sheets(Material Safety Data)
You are required to have MSDA Information Sheet for each chemical
you are handling for your janitorial service. A binder with
MSDA labels for this purpose can be obtained from
janitorial supply companies.
Every time when you are trying a new chemical for your service,
ask for a MSDA Information sheet and insert them inside the
For more information on MSDA Information sheet
Handling Bio Hazard Materials.
For more information on Handling Bio Hazard Materials
Get free online training on Blood Born Pathagen.
Free online training: On Blood Born Pathagen
Bio Safety program
BBP (Blood Born Pathagen Retraining).
Handling human waste, blood, and etc.
1: You must wear gloves in all cases handling such.
2: You have the option to use Bio Hazard Handling Material Kit.
(Most larger size institutions and buildings are
required to have these Bio Hazard Handling Material
Kits available for janitors).
3: If you are using the kit, follow the directions.
4: If you do not have the kit, the following items are needed
depending on the situation it calls for.
(Human waste, vomit..)
1:Absorbant powder, if you have.
2:Lobby dust pan and lobby broom.
3:Clean terry towels or rags.
3:Disinfectant cleaner in the spray bottle.
4:Wet Floor caution sign.
6:Trash bag.
7:Laxtex gloves.
Steps: First, put up a Wet Floor caution sign.
1: Pour absorbent powder over the area and let it sit for
a minute or two.
2: Use the dust pan and broom to pick up anything on the
surface and put it in the trash bag that you have.
3:Wet the area with disinfectant cleaner and let it sit for
few minutes and clean the area.
4:If the surface are is carpeted, then follow with carpet
spot cleaner and deodorizer.
Spray spotting solution over the area and gently scrub with
clean rag or terry towel to remove any stains.
If you need to deodorize the area- spray deodorizer over the
area after spot cleaning the area.
5:Rinse the lobby dust pan and lobby broom under warm
water and spray the disinfectant cleaner to disinfect
and let it air dry.
6:Put up a Wet Floor caution sign and block off the area
that no one walks over the area.
7:If the area is large area- use blower to dry the carpet faster.
8:Use terry towel or rags- if you are planning to wash and reuse
them, rinse them in the warm water and put in
the disinfectant solution for soaking before laundering.
(Blood, Urine, other human fluids)
Handling blood, urine, and other human fluids
1: You must wear gloves in all cases handling such.
2: You have option to use Bio Hazard Handling Material kit.
(Most large institutions and buildings are
required to have Bio Hazard Handling Material
kit available for janitors).
3: If you are using the kit, follow the directions.
4: If you do not have the kit, the following items are needed
depending on the situation it calls for.
1:Absorbant powder
2:Lobby dust pan and lobby broom
3:Clean terry towels or rags
3:Disinfectant cleaner in the spray bottle
4:Wet Floor caution sign
6:Trash bag
7:Laxtex gloves
Steps: First, put up Wet Floor caution sign
1: Pour absorbent powder over the area and let it sit for
a minute or two.
2: Use the dust pan and broom to pick up anything on the
surface and dispose in red trash bag if available.
3:Wet the area with disinfectant cleaner and let it sit for
few minutes and clean the area.
4:If the surface is carpeted, then follow with carpet
spot cleaner and deodorizer.
Spray spotting solution over the area and gently scrub with a
clean rag or terry towel to remove any stains.
If you need to deodorize the area, spray deodorizer over the
area after spot cleaning.
5:Rinse the lobby dust pan and lobby broom under warm
water and spray the disinfectant cleaner to disinfect
and let it air dry.
6:Put up a Wet Floor caution sign and block off the area to make
sure no one walks on the carpet.
7:If the area is large area, use blower to dry the carpet.
8: If you are planning to reuse terry towel or rags, first rinse
them in the warm water and soak in disinfectant
solution before laundering.
Note: Do not ever touch blood or other body fluids with
bare hands.
Note: Do not pick up any sharp objects with bare hands, such as
needles, broken glasses and etc. Use lobby dustpan
and broom.
Note: Any blood tainted rags, towels should be disposed in the
Bio Hazard trash bag which has Bio Hazard
symbols and must be properly disposed of.
Most of the states have strict guidelines
concerning proper handling of Bio Hazard materials.
Note: If you are servicing any medical centers, doctor's offices,
hospitals, you should be properly informed from
the operation staff concerning Bio Hazard material
handling procedures. If not, you must ask and
be properly informed concerning this matter.
Handling Strong Chemicals
1: Must wear gloves, safety glasses, mask.
2: Always read the MSDA Information sheet and get to know
what to do, in case of emergency of eye, or skin
contact with any strong cleaning chemicals that
you might be handling.
3:Do not breath in strong chemical odors in enclosed areas.
When working with strong chemical odors, make
sure the area is well ventilated.
Note: If you feel noxious or dizzy, stop immediately and
inform the supervisor.
Note: If chemical gets into your eyes- follow the procedure
recommended in the MSDA Information Sheet.
Wash your eyes with clean water and call the
doctor if needed.
Note: If chemical gets onto your skin- follow the procedure
recommended in the MSDA Information Sheet.
Wash the affected area with clean water and
call the doctor if needed.
Electrical Cords, Extensions and etc
When using any electrical equipment and tools, extension cords and etc.
Do not use, if electrical cords have exposed metal wires showing.
Do not use over puddles of water, unless you are stripping
the old finish. Standing over puddles and working with
electrical sockets can cause shock.
Note: If you are stripping the floor and see that there is an
electrical socket on the floor, do not put any
cleaning solution over it. It will cause an electrical
shortage or fire.
Make sure to cover floor sockets with tape before
continuing the job.
Do not use if any electrical equipment or tools have
defects such as smokes or sparks. Stop and
check it out to make sure it is safe to continue.
Step Ladders.
If you are using step ladders, make sure that it is sturdy enough
to hold you well.
All 4 corners of legs should be on the even surface of the ground.
If not even, it could cause the ladder to tip.
Make sure to push down the middle arm to full position as to
not to collapse while you are using it.
Do not set up step ladders over the cleaning solution which
can cause slippage and fall.
Do not go up on to the very top of the step ladder.
Do not go too high up and do any jobs that require lots of
movements and carrying heavy tools or equipment.
Do not use half side folded open to lean against the wall.
If the floor is wet, has cleaning solutions or the
bottom of the ladder does not have solid rubber
backing , the ladder could slip out from you.
Ask someone to hold the bottom of the legs firmly
for support.
If you are in doubt, don't do it. Your instinct is usually right.
It is always better to be safe than sorry later !
Heavy Lifting.
Do not lift more that what you can comfortably handle.
Ask someone to help you, if available.
Two is always better than just one.
When lifting heavy items.
Use your muscles on your legs and thigh, not
your back.
Bend slightly, grab hold of items securely with
both hands, feel the weight to see whether you
can handle it. If you feel comfortable, then
lift and carry on your stomach or shoulder.
Do not over do it.
If you are in doubt, don't do it. Your instinct is usually right.
It is always better to be safe than sorry later !
Safety shoes
If you are working on wet floors such as stripping and waxing,
stone floor cleaning and sealing, can be very hazardous.
You must wear safety shoes at all times- floor can be very slippery
and fall can cause bodily injury.
Please take full precaution at all times.