Optical Enhancers Provide Shining Results
iShine is a 25% high solids floor finish that employs patented optically enhanced polymer technology that amplifies the over all gloss appearance and clarity of your floors. The unique blend possesses cutting edge raw materials to form a high solids finish that provides total protection in just four coats of finish.
In a 31-day test of iShine and a competitive product, iShine out-performed the competition in overall gloss, wear resistance, and gloss retention. With a higher than average gloss build and better than average gloss retention, iShine is proven effective over the competitions’ performance.
iShine reflects the true coloration of flooring. Although an opalescence white product in the container, the product dries crystal clear and will not discolor or cast any yellowing tones to the floor. The actual color of the floor covering shines through while optical enhancers perfect blemishes.
iShine is a durable finish that has excellent scuffmark, water spot, black heel mark and powder resistance. The 25% solids floor finish is formulated to provide maximum protection.
Since only four coats of finish are needed with iShine to provide superior protection, labor costs are minimized. And, unlike most high solids finishes, the new technology found in iShine creates great ease of application and incredible leveling. iShine’s high solid formula builds quickly offering more protection in each coat making 100% coverage easy to achieve with just four coats.
Some individuals may be sensitive to ingredients in this product. Before using, read product label and MSD sheet. If questions remain, consult your employer or a physician. Wet floors may be slippery. Prevent pedestrian traffic with signs or barricades.
Initial Application:
- Completely strip all old wax or floor finish. Depending upon build-up, use warm or room temperature water (80OF - 120OF) or (26C – 49C) and a Spartan Stripper:
- Remove all stripping solution and follow with two to three clear water rinses.
- When flooring is old, abused or damaged, we recommend two coats of a Spartan Sealer, although iShine may be used as a self-sealing finish.
- Apply iShine in a uniform coat. Let dry thoroughly for 30 to 40 minutes until surface is dry to the touch. Apply subsequent coats in the same manner. Two to four coats are recommended.
Daily: Dust mop with Spartan’s Dust Mop/Dust Cloth Treatment™ and damp mop with Spartan Damp Mop or DMQ Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner.
Weekly: Dust floor with Spartan’s Dust Mop/Dust Cloth Treatment and damp mop with Spartan Damp Mop or DMQ Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner. To repair traffic areas between finish applications, use Spartan Bounce Back, Spraybuff or SunSwept. Be careful to follow Directions for Use. (Traffic lanes may be recoated as necessary.)
Monthly: Dust mop floor with Spartan’s Dust Mop/Dust Cloth Treatment and scrub with Shineline Multi Surface Cleaner. Reapply iShine as needed.
Yearly: Deep scrub with Shineline® Multi Surface Cleaner and recoat; or completely strip, reseal if necessary and reapply iShine.
NOTE: For best results always use Spartan floor cleaners and strippers.
Total Solids – 34.5%
Non-Volatile Solids -- 25%
Specific Gravity -- 1.036 @24OC/75OF
pH (Concentrate) -- 8.0 – 9.0
- Storage @24OC/75OF -- One year minimum
- Accelerated @49OC/120OF -- 60 days minimum
- Freeze/Thaw -- Can withstand three cycles
- 1 coat -- 90
- 2 coats -- 93
Coverage -- Up to 3,000 square feet per gallon depending on application method and porosity of floor
iShine is packaged in the 330-gallon reusable tote; in 275-gallon totes; recyclable HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) 55, 30, 15-gallon drums; 5-gallon pails; and gallons, 4 per case. Label copy is provided in English and Spanish.
Be sure to read all Directions, Precautionary and First Aid Statements on product labels before use of this or any Spartan product. If questions remain, consult your employer or a physician. Material Safety Data Sheets for all Spartan products are available from your authorized Spartan distributor or by visiting www.spartanchemical.com.
Spartan’s modern manufacturing and laboratory controls insure uniform quality. If dissatisfied with performance of product, any unused portion may be returned for credit within one year of the date of manufacture.