Strive® Compact w/ ReadySpace®
Self-Contained Extractors
Quick, dependable carpet cleaning in small areas with ReadySpace® technology
- Clean small areas in a snap with:
- Forward and reverse motion
- Low-profile body
- InstaAdjust® multi-position handle.
- Count on the Strive Compact's rugged construction with corrosion-resistant, cast aluminum frame and durable polyethelyne rotomold tanks.
- Fill and empty almost anywhere; lift-off solution and recovery tanks can be filled under most faucets and emptied into most drains and sinks.
No-nonsense Strive Compact features
- Clean and dry carpets in less than 30 minutes with ReadySpace®.
- Quickly adjust to comfort and cleaning ease with InstaAdust handle.
- Easily reach carpets under tables and desks with ultra low 24-inch machine profile.
- Start cleaning immediately with easy-to-use one-button operation.
- Reduce time; improve reliability with no-tool roller and vacuum shoe maintenance.
- Depend on Nobles iron-clad warranty- 3 years, 2,500 hours on parts and labor, 10 years on tanks.
- Must-have options
- Optional wand and hand tool attachment
- Perfect for daily or weekly quick cleaning maintenance of your carpet.
- Call for free demo and price quote.