RINSE FREE STRIP, Finish and Wax Liquidator, is an efficient stripping compound formulated to substantially reduce time and labor costs by eliminating the need to rinse as well as the need to machine agitate. This unique stripping compound is clear in color and has a low viscosity.
RINSE FREE STRIP cuts stripping time in half. It eliminates the time and labor costs for repeatedly rinsing flooring, the extra time needed to machine agitate, pad rinsing, as well as the neutralizing procedure...resulting in as much as a 50% labor reduction.
The RINSE FREE STRIP formula contains water-miscible organic solvents which quickly penetrate and liquefy multiple layers of floor finish, wax, and water-based seals. This combination of solvents provides complete evaporation of any residue which remains on the floor after pick up. RINSE FREE STRIP leaves stripped flooring neutral and free of residue without rinsing.
RINSE FREE STRIP is most appreciated by users who desire the time and labor saving benefits of not having to rinse; those who face a stripping task in confined areas where use of floor machines is awkward; or when the stripping task requires quick and easy removal of 3 to 5 coats of finish, wax, or water-based seals.
RINSE FREE STRIP is a concentrate and is designed to be used in diluted form (from 1:1 to 1:5, depending upon build-up) providing further in-use cost economy.
RINSE FREE STRIP may sometimes eliminate the need for floor machines – where it is impossible to use a floor machine or by someone who does not own one. To remove old wax and finish – mop on, let set 5 to 10 minutes – pick up with a mop or wet/dry vac.
RINSE FREE STRIP has low foaming characteristics and will quickly penetrate and re-emulsify multiple layers of finish, wax, and water-based seals, thus enabling the use of automatic scrubbers for floor stripping.
The RINSE FREE STRIP formula incorporates a pleasant mint fragrance. Users will find the product pleasant to use with NO offensive solvent or ammonia odors.
RINSE FREE STRIP is phosphate free and biodegradable and will not adversely affect the environment.
Some individuals may be sensitive to ingredients in this product. Before using,
read product label and MSD sheet. Wet floors may be slippery. Prevent
pedestrian traffic with signs or barricades.
1. For heavy wax or finish removal, use one part Spartan RINSE FREE STRIP to one part hot water.
2. Apply stripping solution liberally to the floor and let set for five minutes.
3. Check the floor to see if the wax or finish has been softened, if it hasn't, reapply and let set for another five minutes.
4. After 10 minutes of softening time has elapsed, machine strip using an aggressive stripping pad.
- NOTE: To avoid slippery conditions, start your machine stripping at the door or entrance and work your way to the area where you want to start stripping.
RINSE FREE STRIP does not need to be rinsed after stripping. It is necessary, however, to pick up the trails left by the vacuum or squeegee, using a clean damp mop. Periodic mop rinsing is necessary.
6. After the floor has thoroughly dried, sealer, wax, or finish may be applied.
RINSE FREE STRIP is packaged in 330-gallon reusable totes; HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) 55, 30, 15-gallon drums; 5-gallon pails; and gallons, four per case. Label copy is available in English and Spanish. Secondary labels are also available.
Be sure to read all Directions, Precautionary and First Aid Statements on product labels before use of this or any Spartan product. If questions remain, consult your employer or a physician. Material Safety Data Sheets for all Spartan products are available from your authorized Spartan distributor or by visiting www.spartanchemical.com.
Spartan's modern manufacturing and laboratory control insure uniform quality. If dissatisfied with performance of product, any unused portion may be returned for credit within one year of the date of manufacture.